Addison is now the big 1! She is such a great baby! Everyone that meets her always says how loving and good of a baby she is, she is always cuddling with people and giving them hugs. I have a feeling with our next we are going to have our hands full since we lucked out on Addison.
Her birthday turned out great! We had Hawaiian Hay stacks and rolls for dinner, and Fondue for dessert. Mmm Everything was so yummy! Addison loved her cupcake! She grabbed that thing and demolished it.... she was at one point using her candle as a spoon. We just had our close family members there to celebrate. It was a great day and I can't believe she is already one!
Addison can say: ma ma, da da, Uh oh, Oooh, and either Shi* or whats that... Not sure which one
Addison crawls and furniture travels.... she is so close to walking, but I am fine if she takes her time.
Addison eats anything I am eating! She loves fries, chicken nuggets, rice, yogurt, mashed potatoes and pretty much anything that is sweet!
Addison loves to give hugs and kisses. She makes a smacking noise when she wants a kiss, so we are giving kisses all day long. She also loves our dog Maverick... she will follow him all over the house and try to hug him or pat him.
My mom got her this rocking horse that is so cute! Addison got right on it and new to rock it and was riding it. Every morning since she will see it and crawl right over to it and climb on and go for a ride. Its the perfect size for her that she can touch the ground and can climb on and off of it on her own.
We have loved this first year with her! Addison is such a good baby and we love her so much!
The decorations
The cupcakes
Having her birthday dinner
Opening gifts
Dunn family gift
Cousins... Minus cute Savanna
Cookie monster from Uncle Nick and Aunt Shauna
Her horsey from Grandma! (my mom)
Birthday money from Grandma Pruett
VanBeekum family gift
Family photo