Thursday, February 26, 2009

The first week home

Well I thought since I am home all day long I could update a little with some pictures.
Addison is such a good baby... so far :).  She is a good eater, pooper, and she sleeps through most of the night... I know its only been a week and a half to see if she will keep sleeping this way, but I will keep my fingers crossed and enjoy the sleep I am getting right now.
The hardest part is being stuck at home all day... I want to get out and go do stuff.  I watch a lot of TV which is such a waste of time.  Jake keeps telling me to go buy a good book, so if you have any good suggestions let me know.


Her first bath and adorable ponytail.
Ha ha see! She has some hair.

Her unique way of sucking her thumb

Addison sleeping on her daddy

Hanging out with her girl cousins!

Addison, Brooklyn, and Savanna 

Brooklyn was born Jan 21st and Savanna
was born Jan 10th.  My Baby looks so tiny even
though she is a month younger!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Some pictures at the hospital

Addison Mei has arrived!

Finally getting to hold her

He was so excited

Having a nap after all the visitors

Me looking SUPER hot after being awake for more than 24 hours

Our beautiful baby

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How it all went down

Sunday, February 15th started out like any other Sunday.  Sleeping in till the last minute before getting ready for church, sitting through each meeting thinking how freaking hungry I am... after church Jake and I decided to get some last minute baby things up in her room since we were down to three weeks till her big arrival, or so we thought.
We ended up taking a nap, well when I was falling asleep I started having some contractions or what I thought was braxton hicks, well I woke up about two hours later  having contractions that were three minutes apart... after making three different calls and timing my contractions for two hours Jake told me that this was happening and we needed to go.  We arrived at the hospital at ten pm.  The checked the babies heart and my contractions and the worst... they checked me.  The nurse that checked me said I was at a 5 and it looked like we were staying.
They moved to the delivery room and hooked me all up! I hate IVs and getting my blood taken!
Around 12 I was dilated to a 6.  I was thinking Sweet this is going to go by so fast ha ha.  I still hadn't asked for my epidural cause I wasn't really in that much pain.  Well the nurse came in around 2 and said she needed to check me again, that's when I was like well can I get an epidural now? I thought being checked hurt a ton worse than my contractions, so she said that was fine and called the Dr around 2:55  and he got there at 3.  Now I knew they used big needles for this and knew it was going to hurt but BOY did it hurt! The nurse checked me at 3:30 and I was only at a 6 1/2!!! I was like are you freaking kidding me?! I know first time labor takes forever but I was tired.  The epidural felt sooooo gooood! I would start to fall asleep, but would start laughing cause of how good I felt.  They noticed that after my contractions the babies heart rate would deep down, they had to keep adjusting the way I was laying to fix it.  Since I hadn't changed much since the last time they checked me they thought they would help me out and gave me pitocin.  In about an hour I was dilated to a 8! Yay! This was around 5:30 and then at 7:30 am I was at a 9 and my water finally had broke.  She called my Dr and when he got there I was at a 10 and ready to go. I had left the TV and the movie INTO THE DEEP was on, so I got to watch that during the best part... pushing! I started pushing around 8:25 and had our beautiful baby girl Addison at 8:44 am February 16th.  Jake did cut the cord and he was such a proud daddy.. he just sat there in awe when the Dr held her up and she let out a little cry and was done. 
It was so easy! I thought it was going to be super hard but it was such an easy labor and delivery, I am also way lucky with how easy it was breastfeeding, she did awesome right off the bat!    They finally brought her to me and I got to hold her and could not believe that she was ours to keep! So perfect and tiny! She was that thing that was kicking me and getting hiccups every time I was ready to fall asleep.  We are so happy to have her here and show her off to family and friends. We are so in love with our tiny Addison Mei! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our baby girl... Addison Mei

Addison Mei!!! Arrived at 8:44 am on Feb 16th... 6 pounds 10 oz.  20 inches,  and couldn't be anymore perfect :)