Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bathroom Etiquette

Most people that know me know I HATE using any public bathrooms, and yes this has become a huge problem being pregnant and working 8 hour shifts. Let me go over some of the reasons as to why.
For some odd reason people like to catch up with you if you run into them in there... I had a lady start asking all the pregnant questions while she was peeing in the other stall.
Then there is the always awkward sounds coming from the person next to you... You feel like holding your breath for more then just one reason.
Don't even get me started on with the whole guy and girl bathrooms! Yuck! It doesn't matter how clean they are
they are still so disgusting
I wont go to the bathroom if the seat is warm... it grosses me out to think that someone else just used it. If I am at anyones house I will have to be on the verge of peeing my pants in order to go and if that happens I have to have the water running, even at my own house.
I think since going to the bathroom consists of coming out of our private parts we should keep keep it private and to ourselves!
There you have it!

In other news...
On Thursday night Jake and I went to the Real game, parking was crazy! and it was freezing! But it was a good game and something different to do. Plus I got a new jacket for the occasion.
A win, win. Last night I went to the international house of pancakes! Thats right.. Ihop. Mmm it was good, I got the pumkin pancakes... they weren't to bad.
I went with my friends Tiffani and Laurie while my wonderful husband earned money.
Then we went to the mall, I love that place. Afterwards I headed home to go get a movie and dinner with Jake. We got KFC and bought Iron man. Such a good movie.
Well thats about it.


Kelsey said...

Your so weird about going to the bathroom! I'm glad you are keeping your blog updated! Now you should put some pics of your little tiny belly up!

Kelly & Jamie said...

Ha ha all that bathroom stuff is totally true, i only like to use my own bathroom, nobody elses! but being prego, im sure those rules against using public bathrooms are not so easy to follow, good luck with that!

Jodie said...

i hate public bathrooms too! I usually hold it the whole day at work for that very same reason. if I absolutely have to go than those little plastic seat covers are a good thing!

Tyler and Camie said...

Ha ha I totally remember when you were a bathroom freak at you remember what we would say about teresa going to the bathroom??? Im afraid of getting any diseases!!! :)