Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family Movie Night

On Saturday we decided have a family movie night.  We went to dollar general and had Addi pick out candy and then headed to Redbox.  The only kid movie we could find was
The Pirates! Band of Misfits.  It was alright... a few funny moments but I don't think we will ever watch it again.  The kids sat through the whole thing! I think the candy helped.  It was the first time we really let Beckem eat EAT candy and he went CRAZY! He would start randomly start laughing and just being plain crazy! I don't know if we will ever let him have that much candy again. 

The whole Pruett family!
 Can you tell they are siblings?! They make the exact same faces 

 Her chocolate mustache
 He was busy watching the previews 
 My cute BABIES
I love doing things like this with my family! I like to think it makes my kids feel special that we plan activities according to what they like.  It was a good family night!
I love my family!!! 


Sharee said...

We watched that too, wouldn't watch it again either. But it looks like a fun night. I love your awesome outfit by the way:) Arkansas has made you even more stylish.

Unknown said...

My kids didn't like that movie.. But that first picture of Addi.. she looks like a vampire, like blood dripping out of her mouth ha ha. But so fun, those nights will mean the most to your kids.