Today was our big ultra sound! I seriously couldn't sleep last night because I was afraid I would sleep in and miss my appointment. I was so excited that it was finally here.
We got there super early and ended up waiting over 40 minutes before they actually saw us. :)
The lady that did my ultrasound was super nice and did such a wonderful job of showing us what needed and wanted to see. She said everything looks perfect! We are for sure having a girl!!!! Yay. They had a hard time seeing her face at first cause she was either curled up in this way uncomfortable ball or moving like crazy, but they ended up getting some pretty hilarious shots.
She is weighing in about 12 1/2 ounces with a wonderful round head! She looked so perfect... her little hands and feet! It was sooo neat.
The best part besides knowing that she is healthy and growing, is watching my adorable husbands face. He thinks its the coolest thing ever! I love him :)
I will have to post some pictures of her and my ET looking belly... I just am too lazy to look for my camera, but I will try to by the end of this week.
Oh, and a side note... so they had the Dr come in to go over some stuff, which he didn't, he just asked if we had any questions so I was like is it okay if I am always eating junk food? I seriously can't stop? (like right now I want a famous star with no cheese and a diet coke Mmmmm).
The Dr was like no its fine for the baby, but if you were fat I would tell you to change your diet.
Congrats! Little girls are so much fun!! She is going to have Jake wrapped around her little finger!
Oh good im so glad to hear that she is growing and is healthy as ever! Im so happy for you two! Find your darn camera! ha ha i cant wait to see pics of your belly!
I'm sick? You have a kissing picture on your blog!
OH my goodness little prego Alicia!! I wanna see your belly so bad i bet its so cute and tiny! Im glad that everything is going good and she is so healthy! Have you picked out any names yet??
Yeah a Girl!!! I really wanted a girl but my husband would of cried if his first baby was a girl, lol so I guesss it all worked out with Kristian!
how exciting! it will come so fast! little girls are the sweetest! and they have cuter baby clothes for sure! she is going to be so adorable!
HaHa ET?!?
Hey I am so excited for and Jake. That is so awesome.
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